Luxform 441746 Intelligent Hybrid Solar LED Garden Light "Oregon PIR" 23019.000. 01 (441746)

Luxform 441746 Intelligent Hybrid Solar LED Garden Light "Oregon PIR" 23019.000. 01 (441746)

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This stainless steel Oregon LED garden light from Luxform with the Solar Intelligent Hybrid technology can be mounted to various walls with just two screws and plugs. The solar wall lamp has a lens of real glass and a warm white filament LED and is meant to be a gem on the wall. The sensor outdoor light burns as standard with a light output of 10 lumens. When the motion sensor is activated, the lamp brightens up to 50 lumens for 30 seconds. It is handy near the front/back door and the barn to temporarily have a little more light in the area. Luxform Intelligent Hybrid Solar lamps are of a high standard with an intelligent energy management by using Hybrid technology. So, the best of both worlds is brought together. The energy efficiency of solar and the certainty of light all year round. All Luxform Intelligent Hybrid solar series lamps have a self-thinking system, which distributes the stored energy evenly over 8 burning hours. During the winter, you can set the solar light to 50% of the light output/brightness so that the lamp has enough energy to illuminate your garden on cloudy days. If the Oregon lamp is mounted in a less sunny place, it can easily be charged indoors for 120 minutes with the supplied USB cable. Iluminatul solar de la Luxform Lighting este cel mai rapid, mai sigur și mai simplu mod de a crea o atmosferă plăcută în grădina dumneavoastră seara. Fiecare lampă de exterior conține un panou solar ingenios proiectat, care transformă lumina soarelui în energie electrică. Această energie este stocată într-o baterie reîncărcabilă, care furnizează energia necesară seara. Sfat: Amplasați lampa într-un loc însorit în timpul zilei, astfel încât bateria să fie încărcată optim.



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